Ling Tang
Dancer, Educator, Consultant

Cross the River by Feeling the Stones:
The Export of U.S. Performing Arts to the Market in China
Master's Thesis, Columbia University, 2010
For U.S. performing arts practitioners, the desire to tour performances in China is increasing, but hindered by the lack of the target market’s transparency, cultural context, policies, and business structures. In order to meet the research needs of the field and recommend applied tools for future touring, this essay examines the market size, structure, and key components, including venues, audiences, performances, and arts groups, current touring procedures, and associated policies. Detailed analyses of American modern dance and Broadway musicals are provided to exemplify both nonprofit touring and commercial touring models.
Association of Arts Administration Educators Link
Columbia University PocketKnowledge Link
The Hundred Flowers’ Long March East:
Achievements and Challenges of U.S. Dance Tours in China
Dance/USA e-Journal, December 2011 (updated), Dance/USA Journal, Spring 2010
"While 2009 marked the 30th anniversary of Sino-U.S. diplomacy, dance exchanges between China and the U.S. continue to be a renewable theme. For both countries, cross-cultural dialogues in the arts offer significant potential for strengthening ties between people. Although in recent years, more U.S. dance companies have appeared onstage in China, due to many circumstances, the road to China is indeed long and full of obstacles..."
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Dance/USA e-Journal Link: Part 1 Part 2
Inspiration beyond Dragons and Kung Fu—Chinese Dance for Western Choreography
Dancer Magazine, December 2007
"Choreographers are constantly searcing for new inspiration. Today, "being culturally interesting" has the potential to make contemporary western choreography unique. Some choreographers have successfully integrated African, Indian, Spanish or Mid-Eastern dance movements into their work. Although Chinese dance is not widely recognized by the western dance community, its many uses and forms may be inspirational for contemporary choreographers..."
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A Phoenix Story—an American Rose in China
Dancer Magazine, November 2006
"Among many universal legends, the one about the phoenix bird is probably one of the most mysterious--it symbolizes power, sacrifice, resurrection; it dies for a nobler life. I have heard many phoenix stories. But Aly Rose, an American woman, a dancer, and a choreographer who has lived and worked in China during the past ten years told me a unique one when I interviewed her there in Summer 2006..."
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